Analog pH Sensor Kit is specially designed for Arduino controllers and
has a built-in simple, convenient, and practical connection and
features. It has an LED that works as the Power Indicator, a BNC
connector, and a PH2.0 sensor interface. To use it, just connect the pH
sensor with the BNC..
The Raindrops Detection sensor module is used for rain detection. It is also for measuring rainfall intensity. Rain sensor can be used for all kinds of weather monitoring and translated into output signals and AO.Raindrops Detection Sensor Module Rain Weather Module for Arduino, etc. Rain sensor can..
The Water Level Depth Detection Sensor for Arduino has Operating voltage DC3-5V and Operating current less than 20mA. The Sensor is the Analog type which produces analog output signals according to the water pressure with its Detection Area of 40x16mm.The Water Level Sensor is an easy-to-use and cos..