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IRFZ44N N-channel MOSFET

A metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) is a field-effect transistor where the voltage determines the conductivity of the device. It is used for switching or amplifying signals. The ability to change conductivity with the amount of applied voltage can be used for amplifying or switching electronic signals. A power MOSFET is used where we need to drive a high current load with low in circuit resistance to increase the efficiency of the circuit. IRFZ44 N Channel MOSFET has a low GATE threshold voltage of 4V so you can use your 5V development board with this MOSFET but to fully drive this MOSFET into saturation you need at least 10V applied to the gate terminal. It is used to switch high power devices, speed control of motors, LED Dimmers and flashers etc.


  •     Small signal N-Channel MOSFET
  •     Continuous Drain Current (ID) is 49A at 25°C
  •     Pulsed Drain Current (ID-peak) is 160A
  •     Minimum Gate threshold voltage (VGS-th) is 2V
  •     Maximum Gate threshold voltage (VGS-th) is 4V
  •     Gate-Source Voltage is (VGS) is ±20V (max)
  •     Maximum Drain-Source Voltage (VDS) is 55V
  •     Available in To-220 package

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Package Contents:

  • 1×IRFZ44 N-Channel MOSFET

* image shown is a representation only.

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